Is this a splog or spam or just odd?

  • I have a pending comment that asks me to link to this site, but it’s in Japanese. “Google translate” let me read it, but it doesn’t seem to be much of a blog: mostly a list of links on each post to some sites related to Japanese food, including a link to my blog. It doesn’t appear to have a blogroll, so I couldn’t expect click-throughs to my blog. Is this just someone trying to get people to read the ads on this blog? Would it be a good or a bad idea to approve this comment?

  • There are no ads except a text link to I would leave it be for now. Though maybe approving it might be a way for them to get future spam through. At least you don’t get Trojan viruses with the comments you get like me. :(

  • Thanks. I’m a new blogger, so I wasn’t sure. There are Ads by Google in the sidebar too. I’m certainly not going to link to the blog. Probably best to ignore or delete the comment as well.

  • Shoot. I had the ad blocker on and didn’t see those ads. I should shut it off when checking sites next time.

  • I think you can report it to blogger can’t you? They have similar regulations for those types of blogs as wordpress true?

  • Thanks again. Ok, another newby question: What is an ad blocker? Well, it’s self-explanatory, but is it software I should have or a setting in a browser or where to find one? My interests must be obscure because most sites and blogs I visit don’t have ads, though there are a few that I wouldn’t mind skipping them.

  • I’m thinking of soon disabling all comments so I don’t have to deal with what I do. Not that many actual people comment anyway.

  • It’s a Firefox add-on. You install it. Then you have to restart your browser after. And to see the add-ons you have, click Tools on the upper toolbar of your browser and click Add-Ons.

  • The blocker icon is after at the top right of your browser.

  • I don’t know if Ad Block is only for Firefox browsers. But check out their official site to see.

  • pkayski,

    Thanks for the information. Perhaps I should look into that.

    My question was actually concerned with whether this a scraper/splat/splog/fishing blog or not. It is in Japanese, but I DO correspond with some Japanese people who don’t speak English very well. I did not want to offend this person, but after reading your comment, and the ones from pornstarbabylon, I’m thinking more cynically. She/he does not really seem to have a real blog, does not have a blogroll for links (though is asking for a link from me), and now I am glad I did not just “approve” the comment.

    It looks small potatoes, though, and is it really worth complaining to blogger or to Google Ads?

    At any rate, it is “odd” with the translation stuff and all?

  • Thanks pornstarbabylon, I usually use Safari, so I don’t see that. For WP posts as unusual as they are with a Mac, I use Firefox, but I’m too tired to search it out right now. ala “Gone With the Wind,” tomorrow is another day… Thank you again.

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