Is there someones website on here I could look at?

  • Thankyou all for your replies on this, I found them most helpful :D
    Patrickobrien, I love your site, thats wonderful :D I did find that most helpful and do like it :D

    Ok so if I stick with what I have with the Quentin theme (Though I have got the Journalist theme in my sights thanks to what I saw of Patricks :D how do I manage to stop the blog being the ‘main’ page.

    I understand I need to make static pages for my site to become a website which is what I want & I also understand if I want top page navigation (I always associate that with a website somehow…) I will need another theme….

    SO what I think I would need to do to stop the blog being the main page and an ‘Additional’ page to my site, is to build static pages THEN advertis the blog onto the side panel…is this right please?

  • Hello Sharon

    Thank you for your kind comments …

    The following people deserve credit for their most useful tips and instructions which assisted me in building my Site:



    A few points, in no particular order:

    * I have made extensive use of Widgets to achieve this layout

    * There are two version of The Journalist — I have used version 1.3

    * I have not used any CSS or fancy Codes and have strived to keep the Site as clean and simple as possible because many of my readers are on slow, dial-up connections

    * I spent a lot of time reading “questions and answers” here in the Forums — plus the WordPress Support Pages over here:

    I will be away from the Internet for about a week and will check back later to see how you are doing

    Best wishes on your venture …


    Patrick O’Brien

  • … oh, and to answer your question “how to stop the blog being the main page” …

    Go: dashboard > settings > reading

    For your “Front page” option, select “a static page” — which you must have set up prior (in my case I had already set up a static Page titled “Introduction”) and this can be selected from the drop-down arrow

    * A useful tip: become VERY familiar with the dashboard … it is your friend


  • … you can create a place for your dynamic content (blog/posts) as follows …

    (1) Make a new “Page” with any meaningful name (in my case I used “Update”) and leave this Page BLANK

    (2) Go: dashboard > settings > reading … and, for your “Posts page” option, select the new Page you created in Step One from the drop-down arrow

    (3) For content to appear on this dynamic Page — use the “Create New Post” function and your new (most recent) Post will appear on that Tab

    (4) In a separate step (and there are a variety of ways to achieve this) I also set up an Index of all my Posts and I linked this Index through my Blogroll (or Index)

  • Thankyou once again Patrick, and I would like to advertise your site on my mine if thats ok with you please, as I found it most helpful, which I am sure others will too :D

  • And I will inc the two people you mentioned also, Pano and TT who have been most helpful to me too :D

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