Is there any benefit to adding a chiclet to your sidebar?

  • I’m new at blogging, and I keep seeing references to “add a chicklet” to your sidebar. I’ve read several descriptions of this but still can’t fully understand why I’d want one. Is there any benefit to adding one of these? Does it bring you more traffic or something? I’d appreciate any advice on whether or not to add one (or several?) of these. Thanks.

  • depends on what the chicklet is for. A chicklet is just an image with a link attached to it.

  • Pardon my ignorance, but what is a “chicklet” and where are you seeing the references to add them? As well, are they designed for “wordpress” or specifically for since there are certain code items that will not work on blogs that will work on the downloaded version of wordpress.


    **EDIT*** Judy is on the case, so I am off!

  • ha ha! I out-nerded the moderator!

  • The chiklet I’m curious about is offered at Chicklette dot-net, and it’s offered at a free blog directory called Blogs by Women dot-org. I have my wordpress blog listed with them, and I always see this “Design your own Chicklett” link in their sidebar. I’ve read it over a few times and still can’t figure out what it would link to (Blogs by Women maybe?) or what benefit it would have in someone’s sidebar.

    But in reading your response, judyb12, I’m now under the impression it’s a link to the Blogs by Women catalog. But I still don’t know why I’d want it on my blog, unless it just serves as a heads up to other women bloggers that they can register there? Is that what is? I see that widget on people’s blogs a lot.

  • Please when you post to the forum include links. Without the link we cannot see the code and that means we cannot tell you if you can use it on a blog or not.
    “Add Your Blog – BlogsByWomen lifetime listing now just $3”

    Design your own chiclet (complete instructions) –

    These are the claims:

    Here are some common uses and benefits of Chiclets over traditional link lists.
    * They are much more pleasing to the eye. The graphic naturally draws the eye a lot more effectively than a wall of blue hyperlinks.
    * They can show your affiliations. I’ve seen people with chiclet blocks that include their school, job, organizations, and basically anything that they support. They are a great mosaic of a person.
    * They help your networking voice. It is much easier to market a blog or other site if you have a chiclet for your client/customer/reader to add to their content. Links are boring, but if someone asks me to add their chiclet to my site when I use their service, I almost always do.

    This is my response:
    * They may look better to some but they are in essence a link and nothing more than that.
    * We are not allowed to have affiliate links on blogs. If the primary purpose of the blog is to drive traffic to 3rd party sites that’s no allowed here
    * We are not allowed to have affiliate links on blogs. Moreover the Terms of Service disallows using blogs to drive traffic to 3rd party sites. See section 2, 5th bullet

  • is a social bookmarks manager. (Using bookmarklets, you can add bookmarks to your list and categorize them.) There are many social bookmarking networks and you can find links to them all on the internet.
    HTH :)

  • Just for reference, since I was wondering myself what a “chicklet” was – it seems to be what is referred to as a badge here on ( )

    As for the use of them, timethief covered it pretty well so no need to go into that :-)

    And by the way, has a very big collection of these buttons free for use.

    – Biyang

  • Thanks everyone. Timethief, your explanation is the best one I’ve read. I finally understand what those things are all about (sorry I didn’t include the link), as well as what is. Thanks!

  • Sorry for coming in late on this, but I thought this was a question solely about chiclets and Judy answered.

    Blogs By Women is a webring (remember those?) and because it is such a long-standing webring, the ring as a whole has a high page ranking on search engines. It appears that they are now charging a one-time registration fee of USD 3 to join up and have your blog listed in their directory, more if you want to be a featured blog.

    Like all webrings, this is about promoting your blog. Other than the enjoyment of seeing your page views rise, since we ourselves can’t advertise on our blogs, whatever potential monetary benefits are had in return for you promoting your blog aren’t enjoyed by you personally. That’s not a criticism, just a fact. FWIW-the Technorati “Fave my blog” button many of us have in our sidebars works just the same.

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