Is there a widget for wordpress I can put on my website?

  • Hello!

    I just joined wordpress last week but I am curious if wordpress has a widget I can use to put on my website to direct visitors from my website to my blog. I am currently using the old fashioned word text w/hyperlink. I have not yet found what I am looking for on wordpress. If this does not yet exist, can wordpress create some widgets? Facebook/twitter/linked all have widgets, so maybe time for wordpress to catch up :) That would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.


  • No, they do not provide anything like that. You can if you wish, similar to what you have done on your website, use an image of some sort as a link to the blog, or as a supplement to the text link you now have. You could even take a screenshot of your blog and then crop and resize that as the image.

  • Hello thesacredpath,

    Thank you for your reply and providing some solutions, I had not thought of those. Too used to widgets lol. Is there a suggestion box or way to suggest improvements to administrators?

    Thank you.

  • You can post something in the ideas forum requesting it, or wait till staff is back in the office on the 19th and send the request directly into them at .

  • hmm sounds like perfect timing to submit an improvement! Thank you.

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