Is there a way to transfer my domain to new provider sooner than 60 days?

  • I recently created the domain and I need to map it to a website I created on Squarespace. Since I just registered the domain, I understand that there is typically a 60 day waiting period before I can do it. Is there anyway I can get this accomplished quicker? I do not have that long to wait. I also understand that I cannot redirect my WordPress domain because Squarespace does not have nameservers I can switch to. Is there anything you can do to help me?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi Todd,

    Unfortunately, you wouldn’t be able to transfer the domain earlier than 60 days – ICANN (the governing body over domains) places a 60 day lock on all new domain registrations and renewals to prevent fraud. This is a requirement placed on all domain registrars, so there is no way to waive it.

    However, I can update the DNS settings to Squarespace (it would still be registered through us, but you can point your domain to Squarespace). Please note after the 60 day lock you can transfer the domain elsewhere if you would like.

    Please reply to confirm and I’d be happy to get this taken care of for you!

  • Thank you – that would be great! Once you do that, what else do I have to do to get the domain to point to my squarespace website, so that when I enter the URL, the squarespace site appears?

    Just to confirm, I only need to do this for I plan to keep my other wordpress blogs as they are.

  • Hi Todd,

    You would have to follow these instructions here. If you need more clarification on that, please contact support at Squarespace.

    I have updated your DNS Settings for you. These changes usually take 1 hour. However, it may take up to 72 hours for these changes to take effect if you have followed the instructions for Squarespace. These time frames are estimates and not guaranteed.

    Please let me know if you have any questions!

  • Thanks again!

    Per their instructions, did you create a CNAME record that points my domain to them? Where would I find that information?

    It also says that in the domain forwarding area, I need to create a 301 (permanent) redirect rule to forward the version of my domain without the www to the version with the www. Is this something you have already done for me?

  • Yes, everything on our end should be up and running. Let me know if you run into any trouble!


  • Thank you so much for your help.

    When I try to “link to existing domain” at Squarespace, per their instructions, I get the error message “We found a CNAME record for, but it is currently pointing to (, which is the wrong hostname. The correct hostname should be Please check your DNS providers settings.”

    Is it most likely just an issue of it taking approximately 72 hours to take effect, as you mentioned before?

  • Hi Todd,

    Yes. :) I just checked and it seems like it’s up and running! If you find that is not the case, please can you please try clearing out your cache and cookies using the guide below?

    Solve Common Browser Issues

    Let me know if it’s still not working!

    Happy Holidays!

  • Happy Holidays to you too!

    I cleared the cache and cookies, but it looks like is still leading to the old wordpress site, and not the squarespace site. Also, in squarespace, I am still getting the same error message:

    “We could not find a DNS record for Since this domain is not registered with us, you must update your settings at your DNS provider.
    We found a CNAME record for, but it is currently pointing to (, which is the wrong hostname. The correct hostname should be Please check your DNS providers settings.”

  • I am now no longer getting the error message in squarespace. It says that is linked as my primary domain.

    However, is still leading to the old wordpress site. So I assume it just takes awhile to circulate through the internet in order for that redirect to take effect?

  • Hi Todd,

    I found that your Squarespace site was up and running as seen in the screenshot below:

    Also, the CNAME record is pointing to as seen in this screenshot below:

    If you find that it’s still not showing up, try clearing the cache and cookies again, and also try another browser like Google Chrome or Mozilla.

    Let me know how that works out!

  • That’s odd. I tried on Firefox too and it’s not working. When I type, it keeps redirecting me to and giving me the old wordpress site.

    I am also now back to getting this error message in squarespace:

    “This domain is not correctly pointing to Squarespace.

    You must change these records to point to Squarespace within your domain registrar’s interface. Click here for more information.

    Please note, if you have recently used our guide to map your custom domain, it can take up to 72 hours for changes to DNS settings to resolve.
    We could not find a DNS record for Since this domain is not registered with us, you must update your settings at your DNS provider.”

    Is there anything else you can check for me? Sorry for all the back and forth, but thank you for your patience!

  • Do I need to also link my domain to squarespace within their settings?

    Do you need to go in and perform the same functions to my DNS settings as you did for the settings?

  • Hi,

    Thanks again for all your help.

    Can you tell me if, in order to get my old wordpress site to redirect to my new squarespace site, do the DNS settings have to be changed on my domain like you did for It keeps routing to

    Thank you!

  • Hi there!

    Are you seeing your site when you visit I just checked and everything seems setup correctly. I was able to access your new site, however it can take up to 72 hours for DNS settings to take full effect. If you still don’t see your site in a couple of days, let me know and I’ll look into it further. is the domain of your blog. We can’t redirect that URL to your new site.

    Let me know if you have any other questions!

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