Is there a way to only display featured image on the home screen?

  • I’m using Ryu theme, which by default seems to stick the featured image at the very top of the individual post’s page. It’s super large, I prefer to put the image below the title and make it smaller.

    However, I also want the chosen image to show up on the homepage where I have a list of recent posts with a “read more” link. I can choose “display featured image” in the block’s settings, which works fine for the homepage; but the trade-off is forcing that image to be the massive size on the post page. Is there a way I can use the featured image on the homepage without having it be the massive size on the posts page? I’m using the free version of WordPress, so I don’t have CSS abilities…

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    Unfortunately, your theme does not have the option to hide featured images on single posts. It could only be done with some custom CSS code, and for that, as you mentioned, you’d need to upgrade your plan to Premium.

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