Is there a setting for how the featured image is displayed on a blog home page?

  • The cubic theme does not display featured photos correctly in Internet Explorer or Chrome on home page – Firefox is fine but haven’t checked any other browsers.

    On IE and Chrome the featured image is always set so that the width of the image is shown in full – on a portrait image this is fine – it crops the top and bottom of the image so it does not distort. If the image is landscape though the image fills the height available so the width is compressed giving a stretched top to bottom appearance. In Firefox there is a band of blank space left instead so the image is not distorted.

    Is there something I can do to change this apart from simply cropping the image which is not always possible?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • As an edit to this it seems Chrome does work and display the whole image eventually – the first time the page loads it seems to take time to get the photos displaying correctly where as in IE it just doesn’t seem to work.

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