Is there a number I can call?

  • I am trying to figure out how to do a couple things to fix a previous website but I would like to be on a call with a professional to help me. The problems is we are trying to make content downloadable in the posts but it is taking us to another part of the website then I can download it, but I’m not seeing that page anywhere on my backend to disconnect it. I also want to put ads when they click on a button so they watch it before they download the content. To my understanding Adsense is only for static type ads on the screen, any idea how to accomplish this? Also I tried starting from scratch and build my own code, is it possible to switch my domain to my own code and not through wordpress or do I need to buy a new domain and find a hosting service? Can I import my css, javascript, and html in wordpress so I don’t have to find another server? Yes
    Jetpack: Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Is there a number I can call?

    We don’t have a support phone number but we can continue this conversation via email or private messaging if you prefer those methods instead of this forum. You can find more information about our methods of contact here:

    The problems is we are trying to make content downloadable in the posts but it is taking us to another part of the website then I can download it, but I’m not seeing that page anywhere on my backend to disconnect it. 

    Could you please point me to an example? Which steps should I take to reproduce the issue?

    I also want to put ads when they click on a button so they watch it before they download the content. To my understanding Adsense is only for static type ads on the screen, any idea how to accomplish this? 

    This would require combining different tools. If you plan to use AdSense for this I recommend you check their terms of service (or contact Google directly) to ensure this is allowed.

    You could use a combination of plugins and/or custom code to create a flow in which the user clicks a button, sees an ad, and then can access the download. Developing this feature would be outside our scope of support, but your plan has the tools needed for it. If you would like to have this feature developed for you, you might want to hire an expert at Codeable:

    Also I tried starting from scratch and build my own code, is it possible to switch my domain to my own code and not through wordpress or do I need to buy a new domain and find a hosting service? Can I import my css, javascript, and html in wordpress so I don’t have to find another server?

    Your plan is meant to run a WordPress site, not other types of websites. If you have created standalone code not compatible with WordPress meant to be executed directly on a web server, you will need another server to host it. However, if you have written WordPress-compatible code then you could add it to your WordPress site in different ways:

    If your code needs to run on another server, you can still integrate it with your using different methods. For example, you can use the REST API ( REST API; REST API).

    Regarding the domain, you wouldn’t need to buy another one even if you were to run the code in another server, because you can create a subdomain of your current domain:

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