is there a max length for a page?

  • Hi, I am writing a very very long page (not normal post on homepage), on my free blog hosted on
    But today, after adding new content, after saving the page was completely blank.
    I considered 2 possible reasons: too long or some code noncompliance. So I tried to add incrementally portions of content to the previous version, until the problem reappeared.

    So, I guess it’s a problem of page size limit. Is there a limit imposed by wordpress or by webserver?
    Any other idea?

    The page I’m editing is this one:

    and this is the maximum content I could add without any problem. If I add any single text block or media it will be completely wiped off blank.

    Thanks in advance for your support.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • As are as I know there is no size limit although that does not mean there cannot be issues when saving if there are problems on the internet somewhere between you and the wordpress servers. I don’t know if they have any sort of limit set on connection time to the servers or not.

    I would suggest contacting staff directly at .

  • I’ve got a post that’s over 13,000 words long. I think this is probably another issue.

  • The word count is quite low, so maybe it’s the sheer volume of images – it runs to 40 A4 pages and you’re not finished yet. Maybe you really have hit a limit…

  • yeah… but it’s not specified anywhere.
    I am in contact with the support staff, let’s see if they can explain the reason and if there is a solution.

    Anyway, I am writing a very long page but I would have preferred to open a new page called Australia and write within it many posts, like the ones going into Home.
    (besides the eventual limit, such a big page would also be very heavy to load..)

    But I see (correct me if I’m wrong) that I can’t do it on but only using installing and customizing my own blog from

  • You are wrong; you could just make lots of posts, categorize them all Australia, and have a dynamic category page that would list all of them. It’s very common for people to do that, and on some themes you can even make the page tabs in the header link to those category pages through a workaround.

  • Plus all this scrolling-down isn’t reader-friendly, and for a visitor with a slow connection such a large number of images might even prevent the page from fully loading.

    The workaround raincoaster refers to is this:

    Page tabs as extra links

  • oh thanks… I didn’t know about this workaround, I should have googled more deeply :)
    Thanks a lot for your prompt support.

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