Is the gallery style "circle" supported in the theme "Bueno"?

  • I want to create a gallery in my post in the style “circle”, but it just won’t work…
    I have read the support page about creating this type of gallery and tried everything it suggested…
    Still won’t work…

    Is it because of my theme “Bueno”?


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,
    I tagged this thread so it gets moved to the Themes Forum. There Themes Staff can assist to with this issue.

  • Frida,

    Sorry for the delayed response, this topic slipped through the cracks.

    It looks like you were able to figure out how to use circle galleries on your blog. I’m going to go ahead and mark this as resolved unless you have any other issues.


  • Hi :)

    You can mark this thread as resolved :)
    A button for the circle gallery appeared shortly after I wrote the above, so no more problems.

  • The topic ‘Is the gallery style "circle" supported in the theme "Bueno"?’ is closed to new replies.