Is PayPal forbidden on

  • Having difficulty creating a PayPal button on my site. Is PayPal forbidden on Thanks.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    You are able to use PayPal. See here for the support documents. Follow each step carefully.

    If you have difficulty, let me know where you get stuck and i’ll do my best to help walk you through it.

    Best of luck.

  • Thank you, Mariah Pierson, for that link. Very helpful and it explains why my efforts at generating a button did not work. Those instructions read:`

    “DO NOT check the box next to any of the customization options, like drop-down menus or text fields. If you select any of those checkboxes, you’ll generate a button that you won’t be able to use on”

    I did check one of the customized buttons–because I need the button to display three different prices for my services or three different packaged services.

    So how do I do that without customization? Thanks.


  • Hi Gabriel,

    If you need three different prices, you’ll need to create three separate buttons – one for each price. You can specify a price for the Buy Now button, but you can’t use any of the other options.

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