Is our export from incomplete because of our license level?

  • Our organization has had two parallel WordPress sites for a long time–one self-hosted and one hosted at

    We are finally getting around to consolidating the .com site into our .org instance and are attempting to export All Content from using the All Content export. What we are finding is that the post data is inconsistently incomplete, where some posts have all the post content and meta data… but most posts are missing the the post content. We have tried limiting the exports to most recent month and post data only and are having the same result. Is this expected behavior? We have cleaned out spam and pending comments as recommended.

    What are the specific, technical limitations for how limits exports from free accounts? One would think that if wanted users to upgrade, there’d be a CTA to indicate that the exported file was incomplete, and to receive a complete file, ‘click here to upgrade’. We have seen no such messaging and have been made to wonder why our data is incomplete. Thanks. Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Note that we’ve done all the recommended things:

    1. Exported Smaller Sections
    2. Deactivated Plugins and
    3. Deleted Spam or Pending Comments.
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