Is my site Violating the TOS?! Posting has been deactivated!

  • Hello all!

    My blog,, has just been deactivated for it’s posting since about 10 hours ago. I’m a little worried.

    “Warning: We have a concern about some of the content on your blog. Please click here to contact us as soon as possible to resolve the issue and re-enable posting.”

    I sent in two help requests when it happened 10 hours ago, and I’m starting to wonder why it happened. I looked up forum posts for people with this problem, and it usually turns out to be a violation of the Terms of Service or an accident. If it’s a violation, I can’t find any, so please help me to by going to the site and telling me! If it’s an accident, I’ll wait.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Only staff can give you a definite answer, and you’ll want to check the spam folders in your email, because sometimes their replies go there. Offhand, I’d say the blog looks just fine, other than your right sidebar being too narrow for the widgets you’ve tried to put in it.

  • First off check your email spam filter to make sure that the response emails from wordpress have not gotten caught by your spam filter.

    Secondly, it can take some time for staff to get back to you in some cases. It depends on how many support requests they get.

    Did you use the “click here” link in the warning to contact them or did you use the standard support contact form?

  • the “click here” one. hey i recognize that name. thesacredpath, did u respond to another question like this?

    Thanks everyone.

  • Sorry – your blog was caught by mistake, it was our fault.

    The blog is back ust as it was and nothing has been changed or lost.

    It’s been night time here which is why this reply has taken some time. My apologies.

  • no problem mark. it’s bed-time for me anyway, so no posting :) :)

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