Is it possible to make an embedded video float down?

  • Hello,

    In my blog I post listening guides to various pieces of music. Ideally, the video (or audio) player, should stick on the screen, say on the right, while the reader scrolls the text down (otherwise there’ll be too much jumping up and down on the page). Is there a way to accomplish this?

    Thanks in advance,

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • There isn’t a way to do that on a per post basis for all posts using CSS that I know of. If you wanted to highlight one video at a time, would it work to put it in the sidebar?

  • That would certainly do! Now, just, how do I make a floating sidebar?

  • Try adding a video to a text widget in the sidebar, and then set it to be position:fixed. You might have to tinker a little to get it looking exactly right. If you need help with specifics, could you add a video and post back so we can take a look at a live example?

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