Is it possible to delete permanently delete files from WordPress server?

  • I have a pdf file on my site which I would like to be permanently removed from WordPress servers, so that anyone who has the link to them can no longer use that to access the PDFs.

    I have deleted the PDFs from the media library and removed the links from my website, yet clicking on the old link the files still come up.

    Is the deleted file in a WordPress’ servers cache? how long has the file been cached? What can I do to permanently remove my PDFs from the WordPress servers?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • What is the URL of the pdf file please?

    Normally media caches are flushed about every 3 days here. I’ll tag this thread for a Staff follow-up. Please subscribe to the thread so you are notified when they respond and please be patient while waiting.

  • Please post direct links to the file(s) that you wish to delete, and I can permanently remove them from our servers (ssuming they are on a website for which you are an administrator).

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