Is it possible to change my domain name and if it is how do I do it?

  • Hello,

    I have recently decided to change the whole idea behind my blog and so I changed the title and everything and I would like to change the domain name that appears in the address before . Is it possible to do it and how is the best way?
    Thank you!


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi Alexandra.

    Yes, it is possible and not very difficult to change your blog address (specifically from say to One thing to note is that at the end of this process, you will lose the ability to ever reuse the original name if you discard it.

    Since I do not see any content at the current, I am going to guess that this is the name you wish to change from.

    Start by going to My Blogs in WP-Admin and hovering your mouse over that blog name (or the actual one if that is not the one). You should see an option appear for change blog address. Select that option.

    You will be prompted with details and warnings you should read closely to make sure you understand the impact.

    Next, you would enter the new address, twice actually to verify it. Make sure it is spelled correctly.

    The next step will ask you if you wanted to change your username. This does have many impacts, read for more on that.

    At this point, you should reach the final option allowing you to discard you address. If you choose not to discard it, you would need to purchase the Site Redirect upgrade at

    I hope that helps, you can find this information with some additional screenshots at


  • Hello Rich,

    Thank you for your reply, it was helpful and I did managed to do it in the end.


  • Awesome, that’s what I like to hear. Have a good day.

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