Is it possible to add a P2 as a subdomain?

  • Howdy!

    I’ve looked at the Support guide to subdomains and although my free P2 (thehelpdesk3) is on a site address, it does not have the option of adding a subdomain to my main domain as described in Step 2 of that guide. (While Upgrades are available in the P2 Home dashboard, domains are not available. Both P2 sites are currently Private.)

    I have a feeling that P2 might be the exception here?

    Although I’m not quite ready, I wanted to ask first since I didn’t see it mentioned that it wasn’t possible to do this with a P2, but I could have missed it.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey!

    Great question! So, here’s the scoop on the P2 product—it’s kind of its own entity apart from According to the P2 FAQ, currently, there’s no option to use a custom domain with P2. They do mention they’re thinking about adding that feature in the future, but the timing is a bit up in the air. Unfortunately, there’s no paid option for P2 at the moment, so having a custom subdomain isn’t on the table.

    Hope that sheds some light on things for you! If you have more questions, feel free to ask!

  • Thank you @staff-heroponriki! It does.

    At the same time, I can’t help but feel this is a missed opportunity. :)

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