Is 'Blogs I Follow' Gone?

  • I decided to rearrange my widgets which is now a complete pain thanks to all the updates. Instead of dragging and dropping I have no idea how to do it now. The ‘copy block’ I’m not entirely sure what that does since I’ve yet to find a way to paste it. And now that I’m trying to add the ‘Blogs I Follow’ and other blocks of links, I can’t find them anywhere. Have they been removed? Why does every update cause more pain than help? Is there a way to go back to the old way of doing widgets? I can’t find that either, but I’m sure it’s gone cause why keep what works? Little frustrated here.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey there,

    Happy to help with this and I do sympathise the frustration that comes with change.

    To offer a bit of context, the widget area now operates much like the block area. To check are you operating in this panel here: ? If not, I’d recommend it.

    The blogs I follow widget, is now not available for use. However, if this was in use, it would still be present as a legacy widget.

    I can see this widget in the “inactive widget” section of your site, you should be able to drag this into a new widget area. Which area are you looking to place this into?

  • Yes, that’s one of the two places I went to try to fix this and couldn’t, or couldn’t find the inactive stuff. Just went to check it out again and still can’t find the inactive stuff. I’m not sure where you’re seeing them, but they’re not on my screen.

  • And I don’t want you to do it, I need to know how to do it. I’m not seeing what you’re seeing.

  • Hi, Inactive Widgets are on the bottom of that page (

    You can navigate through them more easily by clicking the List View button.

  • I, too, am trying to figure out how to update “blogs I follow”, but as explained above apparently it’s no longer available. :( I agree with randomdude9 that sometimes all this updating stuff that WordPress does is neither helpful or useful and causes more frustration than progress.

    That said, I gather from this exchange that there is no way for me to edit the widget. What I was trying to do is rename someone’s blog from “No title” to “Becoming Minimalist”, the true name of her excellent site. If anyone has any suggestions as to how to do this, I’m grateful

    I was also hoping to sort them somehow, perhaps by clicking and dragging, but in the widget on My Pages sidebar, these titles don’t seem to be listed anymore. Sigh.

    See my list, bottom right, of this page: or

  • Hello there,

    That said, I gather from this exchange that there is no way for me to edit the widget. What I was trying to do is rename someone’s blog from “No title” to “Becoming Minimalist”, the true name of her excellent site. If anyone has any suggestions as to how to do this, I’m grateful

    It’s not possible to change this via this particular widget.

    You could look to replace this widget with a paragraph block instead. You would also be able to resort them as you see fit too.

    I hope this is useful so far.

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