Ipad display issues

  • Hi there, in the process of setting up a new site: http://www.texto-edits.com using the Expound theme. Looks great on the laptop and on the iPhone but when I access it via the iPad it looks terrible – the banner image is off the screen. Functionality seems to be fine but the display is definitely not right. Can someone help? Expound is supposed to be user-friendly for iPad so there must be something I can do to fix this. FYI for the banner image I used the exact dimensions suggested by WordPress.

    Many thanks

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Expound is a responsive width theme. Responsive width means the layout adapts depending on the size of the device being used to view your site. When responsive width themes are viewed on mobiles sidebars appear below the posts in order to provide as much space as possible for reading.

    Go here > Appearance > Mobile and disable the mobile theme.

  • I also switched to using this theme on the blog linked to my username and agree that it needs some Themes Staff TLC.

    I’ll tag this thread for Themes Staff assistance. Please subscribe to the thread so you are notified when they respond and please be patient while waiting.

    I like the Exapound theme but it has some issues that need fixing.

    1. I have temporarily switched back to using Twenty Eleven because although I disabled the mobile theme and do not have an iPad I am not impressed by what I see using here http://responsinator.com

    2. The default for the front page featured posts is apparently 5. I set a Tag called Featured Posts and no matter how many times I tried to change it to any other number I got 5 posts. That needs to be fixed.

  • 3. What are the optimum dimensions for the featured images please?

    I note the first one in the live demo site is:
    700px × 466px (scaled to 580px × 386px)
    front page: 460px × 260px

    I note the second one is:
    700px × 467px (scaled to 580px × 387px)

    front page 220px × 126px

  • Hi textoedits – I see the issue with your header being cut off on an iPad. Thanks for letting us know – I’ll report this to our developers so they can have a look and will keep you posted here.

    timethief – I’ll look into your other questions too and reply separately.

  • Hi timethief –

    1. I have temporarily switched back to using Twenty Eleven because although I disabled the mobile theme and do not have an iPad I am not impressed by what I see using here http://responsinator.com

    I’ve reported the issue with the custom header being cut off on iPads to our theme developers so they can have a look.

    2. The default for the front page featured posts is apparently 5. I set a Tag called Featured Posts and no matter how many times I tried to change it to any other number I got 5 posts. That needs to be fixed.

    When you use Featured Posts in this theme, “Your first five posts using your newly created tag will show up as your primary featured post and the remaining four will display as columns” – Source

    Will get back to you on question #3. :-)

  • Hi again timethief –

    3. What are the optimum dimensions for the featured images please?

    Our theme developers let me know that the ideal size for the featured image in the “primary” (larger) featured post is 460 x 260 pixels. If you make all your featured images that size, the four smaller featured posts displayed below the main one will be automatically resized proportionately.

    We’ve updated the theme documentation to add these dimensions, and also noticed that the wording relating to featured posts – which I gave you earlier – was little unclear. We’ve reworded it and it should be clearer now:

    Your first five posts with the tag set above and a Featured Image will show up in the featured area, with the most recent being the primary featured post and the remaining four in columns beneath it, as shown in the demo.

    Within a two-column single post, an image inserted into the post (not a featured image) can be 700px max.

    Just let me know if this is all clear.

  • @kathrynwp
    Thanks so much for these answers. I appreciate your help.

    I created and uploaded a new header so the header cut-off issue disappeared before you hot back to me. lol :D

    I’m disappointed that 5 is the default number re: featured posts. I wanted the default number to be variable from 1 – 5 but one can’t have everything their way – nerts! :(

    Thanks also for getting back to me on the ideal size for the featured images.

  • My pleasure, timethief. :-)

  • One of our theme developers has had a look at the iPad header image issue and I wanted to follow up. In Expound, the header image is a background image, meaning that it can’t scale in a cross-browser compatible way. The best custom header images in this theme and others like it (for example, Twenty Thirteen) are decorative background images. The image will be cropped for small viewports (not scaled down) to fit the available area fixed for height and width. This means the type of header images that work best with this theme are abstract or decorative images. We’ve added text to this effect to the Expound theme information page.

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