iOS WordPress App

  • I am having a horrible time right now. I’m trying to use the WordPress app on my iPhone 6 plus and am having a lot of difficulties. The first problem was with the widget (on the notifications screen). It said I had 0 visitors and 0 views (not true). When I clicked it, it said that I had to install Jetpack 1.8.2 for stats. Clicking ‘Install Jetpack’ brought me to a blank screen that did nothing. I searched the internet and found nothing useful to help me. So I gave up and went about looking at blog posts. I found one that I wanted to reblog. I typed a comment and then hit ‘Publish’ and got ‘Could not reblog post. An active access token must be used to reblog a post.’
    I’m so frustrated right now! I can find NOTHING to help me with either of these problems!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Here’s the link for the iOs forum for the WordPress app so you can post there and make our WordPress developers aware of your iPad issue.

    If you don’t have a username account at, click and register one on the top right hand corner of the page that opens, so you can post to to those forums.

  • Sorry I said IPad issue. I should had just said issue.

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