Invitation limit?

  • Its just a minor matter, but I wonder, why there is an invitation limit. You can just invite two users and no more. Although it doesn’t make any difference in the long run if you tell people to go to or are able to sent them an invitation. The latter just comes a bit more handy (as the new users’ blogs are added to your blogroll too). Isn’t it possible to increase the limit at least?

  • Forget the invitation it dates way back to the days that was beginning (1 1/2 years ago). No invitations are required to join wordpress now.

  • The invitation is a hold over from the old system. You can still use it but anyone can sign up for their own blog now.


  • Yeah, I know. It’s just … invitations are ways easier for me to get new people interested in wordpress than telling them to go to some website, create an account there and so on and on ;-)

  • I’m looking at Dashboard -> Users -> Invite. I see them as unlimited.

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