"Invalid Post Address This post cannot be found. Check th

  • I can’t seem to edit my posts. Though there are just a few, I can’t edit any of them. I’m getting the error “Invalid Post Address

    This post cannot be found. Check the web address or start a new post.”

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    Can you please explain exactly what process you are following to edit a post?

    You should be able to do it via one of three methods:

    1) View the post in your browser. If you’re logged in as an admin on the site you should see an Edit link somewhere on the post. Click that.

    2) Click on My Sites ->Blog Posts ->Edit.

    3) Open the WP-Admin dashboard at http://leavingcramalot.wordpress.com/wp-admin/ and go to Posts ->All Posts ->Edit

    Which of these methods are not working for you? I tested and they are working for me.

    Have you checked if clearing your browser cache or using a different browser has any effect?

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