• I have an invalid menu item. When I open my menu list, I see this message:

    There are some invalid menu items. Please check or delete them.

    Okay, because the message is not specific, I do not know what to check for. What do I check exactly? I get no clue as to why this particular menu item was flagged. Can you tell me what to look for? Thank you.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey there,

    Happy to help you with this.

    This can happen when pages that represent menu items have been deleted or made private.

    Have you recently deleted any pages/posts in the site?

    Many thanks!

  • Thanks, aleone89.

    Yes, I have deleted a couple of redundant menu items, but not the one in question, highlighted in pink. But I still get no indication as to what action I did, or what WordPress did, to indicate why this menu item is a problem. I need some specific indication to know what or how to repair it.

    Here is the menu item:

    And here is the menu item opened:

    I appreciate any direction you can provide. Thank you.

  • Hi there,

    Menu links become invalid when the page (that the menu linked to) is moved to the trash or deleted. Essentially if the page no longer exists for public vistors we remove the link from the menu… if they were to click it they would get a 404 error for example.

    In this case I see you deleted that page recently and it is in the trash. If you restore the page from the trash the link will no longer be invalid and will work correctly in your menu:

    Hope that helps. Please let us know if you have any more questions.

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