Invalid Feeds – Cannot subscribe in Thunderbird

  • I haven’t tried any other clients, but Thunderbird won’t subscribe to my feed because it says it’s invalid. I was told in my other thread that this wasn’t a problem :(

    My feed is:


  • Weird – it works if I add it manually and use http://, but hyperlinks with feed:// don’t work. Any ideas?

    Also – my blog doesn’t show a Feed link. Is this because it’s missing from the theme?

  • I think the link for a feed should be:


    (Note: Space added to get it up there without changing it to a link and rewriting it.)

    That’s what I have on my site.

    btw, I see the feed link on your site. It’s part of the Meta widget if you want to double check it. It looks like you’ve just added it as a normal link.

    Hope this helps,

  • You’re right, that works :)

    I added the link manually because the theme doesn’t seem to have one. However, I can’t add a feed: link, because it seems to add http:// in front, if the link doesn’t already start with that. So I can’t have a proper feed link it seems :-(

  • Again, double check the Meta widget. That’s where the feed links are. You have to add it to your blog.

  • I see! I was messing with the RSS widget and assumed it must’ve been hard-coded into the template (some seem to show it without the meta widget).

    Anyway, the Meta widget has some stuff I don’t want (I just want the rss links), so I’ll leave it as it is for now. I was thinking about moving over to something custom written at some point, so I have a little more flexibility, but I’m too lazy, so WP wins for now! :)

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