Integração de APP com wordpress por um XML

  • Olá pessoal, espero que todos estejam bem :)

    Após diversas pesquisas sem sucesso, resolvi pedir ajuda aqui. Estou precisando integrar um app em um site imobiliário e recebi o link xml, porém não faço ideia de como posso instalá-lo no meu site. Alguém poderia indicar um tutorial para que eu possa executar essa integração?

    Desde já agradeço imensamente a atenção. Unknown
    Jetpack: Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to moderators and staff)

  • Hi there, please note that we offer this forum in English – you are welcome to send messages in Portuguese but I’ll be using Google Translate to understand them, and replying to you in English.

    Hi everyone, hope everyone is doing well :) After several unsuccessful searches, I decided to ask for help here. I need to integrate an app on a real estate website and I received the xml link, but I have no idea how to install it on my website. Could someone indicate a tutorial so that I can perform this integration? Thank you very much in advance for your attention.

    Google Translate appears to use the WordPress software and is hosted with another company than In order to get help with your website, we do suggest contacting either your host’s own customer support, or alternatively the community forums of

    To clarify, there are two ways to use WordPress, you can either use the WordPress software downloaded from onto a web host (also known as self-hosted), or you may host your site with us here at For reference, you can learn more about the differences between and here:

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