Information about my database

  • Hi

    I have a Joomla site and I am trying to use a joomla extension called “WordPress Posts” to show my latest blog posts on my Joomla website homepage

    The extension requires the following information to work:

    WP Database Name
    WP Database Username
    WP Database Password
    WP Database Host
    WP Database Prefix

    the blog was created by someone who used to work for me so I dont know what they called the database etc when it was set up.

    Can someone please advise me how I can find any of the the above information.

    Many Thanks

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • You cannot use that extension with a wordpress site hosted here at wordpress.COM. It will only work with self-hosted wordpress sites where you have access to the database.

    What you can do is use a feed module in Joomla. I’ve done that on many occasions with Joomla sites.

  • Thanks for your help.

    Can you recommend a feed module? I’m very new to the web so am a bit lost

  • There is a feed module as part of Joomla. It is pretty basic, but does the job. In the Joomla backend, go to Extensions > Module Manager and then create a new module and find the “feed display” module, check it and then click the next button at top right and then put in the information and select the module location you want to put it in.

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