Infinite Scrolling in Theme TENAZ

  • Does TENAZ theme support infinite scrolling option? I can’t seem to activate it. When I disable it, no “next page” button is appearing at the bottom of the page. Help

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi, Not sure if I can answer definitively, but as you have a footer on your All Blogs page (…/latest), I believe infinite scroll would not work regardless.

    FWIW I do see the “Next Page” and “Previous Page” links there.

  • I’m also using Tenaz and I’m frustrated that there isn’t a page that shows all the posts. The home page doesn’t do it and I can’t figure out how to activate the index template to create a separate page with all the posts included, plus arrows if you need more. I’ve asked WP support and they said they are surprised because “default posts page” is not available in this theme.

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