Infinite Scrolling doesn’t work.

  • Infinite Scrolling doesn’t work. I tried everything but it defeats the purpose of using the P2 if I can’t scroll down.
    I tried iPhone 11 Pro, Ipad Pro 2021, Macbook Pro 2018 Monterey.

    A round thingy is rotating and nothing shows up when I scroll down for older posts. In Google Inspector it says:
    VM1754:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0
    at JSON.parse ()
    at XMLHttpRequest.xhr.onload (??-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:882:24)

    xhr.onload @ ??-eJytld1uwjAMhV9oI…TZ/mq6+AHbJ4rc=:882
    load (async)
    Scroller.refresh @ ??-eJytld1uwjAMhV9oI…TZ/mq6+AHbJ4rc=:881
    (anonymous) @ ??-eJytld1uwjAMhV9oI…TZ/mq6+AHbJ4rc=:595
    setInterval (async)
    Scroller @ ??-eJytld1uwjAMhV9oI…TZ/mq6+AHbJ4rc=:588
    jetpackInfinityModule @ ??-eJytld1uwjAMhV9oI…Z/mq6+AHbJ4rc=:1401 Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey @eugenedm, I don’t have access to the site but looking at the post, I guess some script is interfering with the JetPack infinite scroll. Could you try disabling plugins one by one and see if that works?

  • Ok I granted you access.
    I don’t have any plug-ins installed

  • I can’t find any errors regarding the scrolling.The infinite scroll seems to be working fine on my end.

    You can see the recording here. I’ve tried to record only a small part of the screen to hide the details of your site.

    [video src="" /]

  • Could that be a location problem?
    I’m in Czech republic (Europe).
    But that shouldn’t be a problem. The only thing I think it’s a CDN issue.
    The thing in that I tried it on three devices:
    IPhone 11 pro – ios
    Ipad pro 2021 – ios
    MacBook pro 2018 – os Monterey
    And all devices don’t scroll, I see a turning circle and it crashes – I can see it on my mac.
    I tried Chrome or Safari, it makes no difference..

    And I can record it too.
    Do you want me to record it? It really is doing that…
    Don’t know what to do.
    I can only see 10 latest posts but no further

  • Can you replicate this on a guest profile on your browser? You can follow the tips from here.

    You could also try to access your website from a completely different network to see if you can replicate the issue.

    Best Regards

  • Just checked it out as a Guest.

    Here’s the video I made in YouTube. (Please ignore the video dimensions issue… I think it’s because I cropped the video.)

    Also I tried it from Safari.


  • Hmm, definitely weird. Are your browsers updated to the latest versions?

    If the same issue occurred on a guest profile of google chrome then i’d say give it some time. Clear your cache for the website.

    I hope someone from the official staff can help on this.

  • Well the thing is I cleared cache and I used Google Chrome and Safari.
    Also I tried private tabs and iOS has the newsest updates, I’m kinda confused what else it could be…
    I’m surprised it’s not working on my side and working on your side…
    Maybe I should try VPN? For, some crazy reason I think that the Api doesn’t work in Europe the same way as in USA, but I know it shouldn’t do that… It’s really weird.
    Don’t know what else I can do…
    I don’t have a Windows machine to try it on…

  • I tried it on a linux machine and I have no clue as to why it’s not working on your end. Have you tried making your blog public for certain time and and then testing without logging in?

    Trying it on a vpn is also a good idea. Just make sure that there is nothing blocking the scripts.

  • I did try to make it public, I read some forums that might help but it didn’t work.
    Ok I’ll try VPN tomorrow and I’ll try to update you on that

  • @eugenedm I’m also forwarding this thread along to the p2 team. Just so we know, did this issue start recently for you?

    I don’t have access to that P2, but I do have access to dozens of others and haven’t seen this issue. We also have several colleagues in CZ, and I would expect them to see the same issue if it were an API+location issue.

  • Oh, also you mentioned iOS has the latest updates; can you confirm what versions you’re using for each of the browsers you’ve tried?

  • Hi @supernovia
    I started using P2 approx. about 1-1.5 months ago, I haven’t noticed this problem in the beginning because I didn’t have so many posts.

    I can give you access if you want, I don’t have anything soo personal yet… Or, would you rather want me to make it public for the team to see?

    Yes, of course I can confirm the browsers and OS, I use:

    – Macbook Pro(2018), Monterey: Google Chrome Version 100.0.4896.88 (Official Build) (x86_64)

    – Macbook Pro(2018), Monterey: Safari Version 15.3 (17612.

    – iPhone 11 Pro,iOS 15.2.1: Safari (I don’t know where to find Safari version but I think it’s in the iOS updates…

    – iPad Pro 2021, iOS 15.2.1: Safari (I can’t find the version either, probably, iOS takes care of that), Google Chrome (newest as of Apr 16 2022), I just reinstalled it…

  • One more thing, I unsuccessfully tried it in 2 Starbuckses, and in another local coffeeshop… and our 4G network (O2 European cellular company, they got offices all over Europe UK, Spain, etc…) Not the WIFI router or ISP issue…

    Haven’t tried a VPN yet…

  • I just tried to connect via VPN in New York, NY, Netherlands and Japan and it still doesn’t work… So maybe it’s not GEO location…
    Should I post the error from Google Chrome Inspector? I can make a photo or record a video..

  • You can make your website public if you want so other members of the forum can check and provide feedback.

  • Hey there @eugenedm staff and P2 staff are now aware of the issue and are helping you. They can see all sites whether public or private and troubleshoot this issue directly. You do not need to make your site public for us forum volunteers. Cheers!

  • Yup, it’s actually best not to ask for or grant access. Just tag modlook and we’ll have a look. Also, once staff has been involved in a thread, we’ll see new responses, so you won’t need to re-tag modlook. We’ll see it.

    Anyhow, I did a little more testing today, and I’m suspecting there’s an issue just on your account, @eugenedm. Do you recall when this started, and whether you’d had recent changes?

    I’ve shared what I’ve learned with the p2 team. We aren’t likely to hear back on a holiday weekend, but we’ll let you know when we do.

  • @supernovia, ok I’ll tag this as #modlook

    I’m not sure but probably it’s been from the beginning… I can’t prove it 100%… But most likely as I put more stuff on the wall I realized it doesn’t scroll…

    Also what I am thinking, could it be a piece content that I have that would break API… Although I think I have mostly text, images, and I might have pasted something from the web… And when JSON calls API it might somehow break the flow? But this is just an assumption…

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