Infinite Scroll: Problem

  • Hi, I´ve been searching for ways to make my site load more posts as the reader scrolls down.
    I already selected “Load more posts as the reader scrolls down” in Infinite Scroll under Theme enhancements but it doesn’t work. The other options do work. The solutions I found in the Jetpack site involve CSS which I’m not familiar with.
    Can you help me solve this issue?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello there,

    Many thanks for reaching out.

    Just so that you know, the business plan on your site gives you priority access to our live chat support. That’s going to be the most efficient way to get assistance. The forums are not “real time”.

    Head over to to start a new chat.

    Regarding Infinite Scroll, the reason it’s not currently visible is because there are footer widgets present, (the logic being is that is that visitors would never be able to reach your widgets – if infinite scroll is active).

    You would need to remove the footer widgets so that infinite scrolling, can be infinite.

    I hope this helps.

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