"Infinite Scroll" and "Older Posts in P2

  • I am having some issues with the loading of older posts that has just started within the past week. I cannot display any more posts than the setting in “Writing/Blog Posts” is set to. If it is at 6, then 6 is all I can see. If it is set at 10, then 10 i all I can see. Infinite Scroll and the Older Posts button just display the “spiny progress wheel”.

    I double checked that all my posts are not “Sticky”, cleared my browser cache and tried to load the site in Chrome, Firefox and Edge, all with the same result. Even the WordPress App (Android) displays the same behavior.

    I don’t have any plugins running and I have made no changes to the site settings, with the exception of messing with Infinite Scroll and Page Display to try and resolve the issue. I also deleted the last 6 posts I made in the event there was something strange happening within the last few days to cause the problem.

    Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions to try?


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi Robert,

    Are you still experiencing it? I had a look at your site, and the posts kept loading correctly for me. Could you share a screenshot of what you see on your end? You can use an online tool for that (such as https://snipboard.io/) and paste the link into your reply.

  • Here is a screenshot of what I see (Firefox):

    Here is another on the WordPress App for Android:

    I get the spinner at the bottom of the page as if it is trying to load but nothing happens.


  • If it is any hep, here us a screenshot of the console output:


  • Hello Robert,

    Hmm, that interesting, I can’t seem to replicate that issue thus far, so I’m wondering if you can help us with the environment in which this happens please.

    Can you confirm if this is happening on Google Chrome please?

    Secondly, with Firefox, are you able to tell us the browser model as per: https://www.whatsmybrowser.org/ please?

    Lastly, can you tell us if there’s any browser extensions that may be running (ad blockers for example).

    Many thanks in advance.

  • Firefox


    The only extension I use with Firefox is Instapaper but I uninstalled the browser this morning and re-installed with a fresh copy (no extensions) and had the same issue.

    Thanks for the support.

  • Hi there,

    Interesting, I am also unable to replicate the issue you are having on my end, as infinite scroll is working fine for me.

    Can you go to View > Developer > Developer Tools in Chrome and click on console to see if any errors pop up for you? If so, can you take a screenshot of those and share?


  • Strange and unknown if it is related, if I go into my settings in a web browser. I can see that Infinite Scroll is set to be on but if I navigate through the mobile app, I see that it is off and there is a message telling me that the site has a footer widget enabled so buttons will always be used.



  • Ah yes, having footer widgets will always override infinite scroll.

    Make sure that you remove those, or move them to a different widget area.

  • As far as widgets, the only ones that I see active when I customize are in the side bar. The default P2 theme doesn’t appear to have any other choices that I see.

  • Regarding the console errors, a few questions:

    – can you see what that address is for style.css?

    – Are all of your tests on the same internet connection?

    – Does the uncaught syntax error appear only when you hit the point where infinite scroll should kick in?

  • The physical address for sty;e.css is:

    When I first posted this issue, the test were all on the same connection. I did try a different computer on the same connection as well as a different computer on another connection (both on Chrome). They all show the same behavior.

    The uncaught syntax error occurs when the infinite scroll should begin. Turning off infinite scroll produces the same error when the “Older Posts” button is clicked.

  • Hmm. Thanks for that — I’m still not able to duplicate it on our end, but we’re digging into this further and will update you with what we find.

  • It seems that setting the site to public allows infinite scrolling and use of the older posts button. It also does not give the uncaught syntax error as before though the style.css still gives a 404.

    This does not solve the root of the problem as the site have never been public and infinite scrolling worked in the past.

    It also made me start to think about the reason support does not see the error. Since the site is private, there must be developer options to override this and probably other settings that I do not have available.

    I do not wish to make the site public if I don’t have to, so I hope this gives gives someone some good ideas on where to look.


  • Thanks for that, Robert. We’re still digging into it, but that is useful information. Also, we have hundreds of private P2s and aren’t experiencing this issue, so I suspect there’s something more. You can go ahead and keep it set to private for now.

  • Also, the CSS error should be fixed. We’re working on the other though.

  • Just an update to my comment on Infinite Scroll and Older Posts working when in Public mode …

    This only works when NOT signed in. As soon as I login, the functionality is lost again.

    Also, Firefox on Ubuntu (18.04.5) behaves the same.

    : (

  • Hello there,

    Many thanks for that update.

    This is probably going over old ground – but can you confirm if this is the case after clearing the cache?

    Many thanks in advance.

  • Yes it does.

    I have my browser set to clear data when closing and did it manually as well.

    Infinite Scroll and the Older Posts button only works when the site is set to Public and I am not signed in.

    Changing the view settings (Default/Expanded/Compact) has no effect either.

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