Individual member passwords

  • We’re considering using wordpress for our trade association website. I’ve played with features and themes, but would like to know if passwords can be individualized? In other words, if a page is private can each member of our blog have their own password, or can we only have the one master password for all members? The blog we are testing is

    Also, is there a way to manage the member list?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • There is only one password for each Page on I’m not even sure there’s a way to do what you ask on independently-hosted WordPress, but the place to ask that would be at WordPress.ORG.

    Could you be more specific about what kind of thing you have in mind under “manage the member list?” Then we can be specific in our answers.

  • If you make it a “private blog” (nothing public) you can manage to users who have access to your blog. That is done at the user level and they control their own password. It is all or nothing though as no content would then be public and no “member list” on individual posts as logged in authorized users would be able to see all posts.

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