Increased page width in K2, now header image too narrow

  • You’re very welcome.

    One other suggestion is to put a background on the inactive navigation tabs and make the font weight bold. Right now the titles on the tabs gets lost completely in the header image. You might add the following to your CSS and then play around with the background-color a little. li a {
  • @TSP
    When I used K2 I made headers that had a narrow white strip right across the bottom of the header image. That way the lettering on the page tabs didn’t get lost in the image.

  • Thank you Sacred Path. Yeh, I’ve been wondering what to do about this. I like timethief’s suggestion, except I’d like to have a black strip rather than a white strip so the text shows up white on black.

    Have no idea how to do this. And no fortitude left today to tackle it ;) Still revelling in relief and gratitude about the width thingy.

    Thanks again, SGx

  • Thank you timethief for the suggestion. I like it very much esp if I could make the strip black. Will tackle it shortly. Thanks, SGx

  • TT, that is a good suggestion.

    @SG, in your image editing program you should be able to put a black rectangle over the bottom of the image. I would make it about 25px tall.

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