Incorrect posting time

  • I see one ofmy earlier responses was also truncated. I said that I gave up on using the iOS editor but I still use that app to respond to comments and see notifications. It crashes constantly.

    Confirming yes, I use a MacBook pro and Firefox. One last question. Where in the new editor is the publishing time shown befor posting? I can see that in classic. Thx

  • Thanks again for confirming that, Tina!

    I said that I gave up on using the iOS editor but I still use that app to respond to comments and see notifications. It crashes constantly.

    Can I ask if you’re using the latest version of the iOS app? It shouldn’t be crashing constantly and we’d be happy to take a look into what’s going on there for you. Would you be able to post to the iOS forums with more details? They can be found here:

    Where in the new editor is the publishing time shown before posting? I can see that in classic.

    The date isn’t actually shown in the new editor prior to publishing, but it should be the case that the date is the same as when you hit Publish.

  • Should be bit isn’t., therein lies the problem. May try a test post tomorrow, have left home for today

    Re iOS, will do. May be because I have an old iPad 2? I have latest app rev and am on iOS 8 tho. Have reloaded app, no improvement

  • One thing occurs to me. I am on an older O/S because I’m storage constrained. Could that be an issue?

  • I am on an older O/S because I’m storage constrained. Could that be an issue?

    Potentially. Is there any way you could update to the latest to test?

  • Afraid not. To upgrade would impact my very limited storage situation. I’m on O/S 10.7.5

  • It’s possible that it’s unrelated to the issue with the incorrect posting time. If you do come across this issue again then post right back here with your flow so that I can try to replicate.

  • Hi Tina.

    I’m happy to report that our team was able to replicate the issue with the incorrect posting time, which you reported to us back in April. It seems the issue was related to previewing a draft before publishing. We’ve now rolled out a fix for this. Can you let us know if the issue comes up again? I’ll then reopen the issue with our team.


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