Incorrect posting time

  • I just did a new post and it came up as having posted 20 hours ago. THe post is here . I checked before posting to make sure it showed most recent edit was seconds before I posted it and it did show that correctly. But it doesn’t show in the reader for Weekly Challenge or Blogs I follow because it comes up WAY down on the list as if it was 20 hours old. I tried to have this addressed before and it was never resolved. I am extremely frustrated by this as the posts aren’t see by anyone unless they are subscribed. PLEASE HELP. You can see the trail from the previous report here . The problem is intermittent.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi Tina.

    When publishing your posts in the future, can you double check which status is checked under the ‘Change Status’ dropdown? This dropdown can be found in the left-hand sidebar of your editor. The ‘Publish Immediately’ option should be checked, as shown in the following screenshot:

    On the post you linked to, I see that the ‘Publish Immediately’ option is already checked, however, I’m also seeing that a specific date from the past has been entered into the ‘Scheduled’ box:

    I’m wondering whether, even though the ‘Scheduled’ option isn’t checked, this may have caused the issue. Could you try changing the date there to something else and then, while making sure ‘Publish Immediately’ is still checked, clicking ‘Update’ again?

    Let me know how that goes! I’ll be happy to troubleshoot this further with you and get to the bottom of what’s going on.

  • I do see the area you suggest. I changed the date there and hit update. I got a “successfully updated” banner but nothing changed

  • Hi Tina.

    I’m still showing the date in the Scheduled area of that box is set to 4/24/2015. Could you try changing that to today’s date? Then see if the date associated with the post updates after that.

  • Interesting. I did change it, then updated. Somehow it went back to the original scheduled date. Just did it again. Nothing changed

  • The minute I go out of the editor and go back to it and look

  • After a fair bit of testing on my end, I haven’t been able to replicate this and am a little stumped about what’s causing this to happen for you. Could I ask you a few extra questions to try and get to the bottom of this? The following will help me out:

    * Can you confirm that you’re using our new editor? The latest version of our editor can be found here:

    * Do you ever switch back to the classic editor available in WP Admin for any of your posts? The classic editor can be found here:

    * Are the problematic posts ones that you’ve saved as drafts for a few days prior to publishing?

    * Can you think of anything different that you did before publishing the posts with the wrong time on them?

    I’ll dig a bit deeper into this with those extra details.

  • Hi Tina.

    It looks like your last reply got cut off. :( Do you have a copy of it to paste out again for me?

  • This one?

    Yes, I am using the new editor. Yes I do switch back to classic and if I use ONLY classic, never using the new editor, the date/time seems to work. Yes the problematic posts have been saved as drafts a few days prior and the original creation date is the one that seems to be what the posts come out as when I post them, even tho I doublecheck to make sure the date of the most recent edit is correct, and I always add a small edit just before posting to make sure the post shows a current date/time of most recent edit. Note tho, that I do this on every post and for the most part they post correctly. For some reason I think the issue occurs with the new editor, not the classic.Thanks

  • Hi Tina.

    Thanks so much for that extra information!

    I think that this is being caused by the switch between classic and the new editor but, after a ton of testing, I haven’t quite been able to replicate. It would be really helpful to me in testing this further if you could share some more about your work flow and when exactly you make edits in the new vs. the classic editor.

    In particular, I’d like to know which editor your posts are first created in and the reasons for you to switch between the two editors.

    Again, thanks so much for helping with all of these questions. This is a tricky bug to replicate and I really appreciate your time in helping me to test this.

  • Thanks very much for trying to figure this out Siobhyb. Unfortunately my work flow isn’t consistent.

  • Can I just check whether you use the WordPress iOS app? I just found that there’s a bug in that app that causes the date that a draft was created to display over its publish date. If you’re not using the app, I can keep digging.

  • Sorry for the to and fro on this, Tina. I can understand that it must be a frustrating issue as it’s such a tricky bug to replicate. If it comes up again please do get in touch, if possible with the workflow fresh in your mind.

  • Really sorry, Tina, but your last reply was cut off again. I’m not sure what happened there.

  • Wow 4:17am! Where are you?? I just asked if you were giving up until next time. Did u try to create in new editor, edit in classic, then edit and publish in new?Sent from my iPad

  • Hi, Tina. I’m based in Europe, so not so early for me. :) Sorry if you have email notifications that woke you up!

    Did u try to create in new editor, edit in classic, then edit and publish in new?

    I did try that work flow, but was unable to replicate, unfortunately. In addition, I tried a few different flows for older drafts that were created in both the new and classic editor. I’m going to report this back to the team behind the new editor, but I do think they’ll need some more details to work from. If this does come up again, it’d be really useful to know more about when you switched between the editors etc.

  • For my report, can I just confirm that your posts were always created on desktop and in FireFox? Thanks!

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