inconsistent stats?

  • Hello,

    I’ve had my blog for two days now and I have a question about “Dashboard”->”Blog Stats”.
    The graph shows 65 views for the past 2 days. When I click “Summary Tables” under “Blog Stats”, the views add up to 65 as well. But before I click “Summary Tables”, it shows “Total views: 72” under “Blog Stats”. This is a little surprising…

    Also, when I look at “Top Posts (the past week)” under “Dashboard”->”Stats”, it shows all of my posts (only 5 in my blog so far, including “About”), but their views only add up to 17. Where did the other views come from, if you can’t go anywhere else in my blog? Or is the front page left out here?

    Thanks for your help!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • The main blog stats is based on visitors in allotted timeframe, not last 24 hours. Stats reset at designated time and you might be looking at stats for 18 versus 24 hours. Summary tables have a disclaimer on how they are calculated, but that is based on something a little different. You will have to read it to be sure exactly what is said


  • OK, it’s got something to do with the timeframes. But I still don’t really get it… What do you mean with “main blog stats”? Those shown in the graph and in the tables are sorted by day and add up to 66 right now – 42 sat, 23 sun, 1 today (probably you since it is almost 4 am here). The “Total Views” under “Blog Stats” now show 73. What could be the timeframe of the lost 7? Do “Total Views” update quicker/more often?

    Sorry for my pedantry

  • The main graph you see when you go to “blog stats” is the 24 hour tally. The “Summary Tables” are actually calculated a little different. Click on that page and you will see the “About the math” section. Read through that one and it tells why things can be different.

    “If you try to verify our computations using the numbers in these tables you might get different results. The logic is explained here.”


  • I have read both “About the math” and “Questions about stats” before I came here. I don’t think they relate to my question. “About the math” for example only talks about the calculation of weekly and monthly averages, but my question wasn’t about averages.

    Let’s try it with screenshots.

    These show 72.

    This one shows 79 (at the same time).

    I’m wondering about the difference. Thank you for taking a look at it!

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