Inconsistent numbering

  • So I input 1. followed by a title (I’m using numbers to keep track of how many there are) and WP formats it as a numbered list.

    I input 2 for title 2 and it refuses to let me either set numbered list or turn off numbering for 1 so it looks messy when only one is indented.

    How do I instruct WordPress to not auto-list them? It refuses to allow to me turn off listing.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    If you type “1. then some words” into a paragraph block, that is a “shortcut” to convert it to a numbered list.

    However, if you are trying to have “titles” between sections of text, you can do this by using the “Heading Block” instead. This will allow you to add a text heading (title) that you can format as you wish. It will not be converted to a list.

    This is difficult to explain in words, so I recorded a quick video to show you how to do it.

    You can view the at this link:

    Hope this helps!

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