incoming links

  • I have found an incoming link listed on my blog stats page that I did not put there. I have no idea how this happened as I did not visit this website. The only clue is that there are a couple of “stopped spam” comments from this site.
    The big question: How do I delete this??

    thanks for your help

  • The incoming links you cannot delete and really they do not have any effect. If Akismet catches the comments, then it’s just a matter of deleting those. If it doesn’t, and they are spam, then just mark them as spam if they are awaiting moderation. If they make it through, unapprove them and then mark them as spam.

  • Incoming links just means that somebody else linked to your blog – which is a good thing :-)

    That’s something you can’t control – much the same way as with the search terms that has been used to find your site.

    – Biyang

  • Thank you for your help.

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