Include RSS Feeds/twitter in articles (not widget)

  • Hi,
    i would like to include rss-feeds in some of my articles on my blog.
    I know there is a widget and i am already using it.
    But it does not give me the opportunity to include rss inside of a post, right?
    Is that possible by other means?
    Thanks in advance!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • WordPress.COM does not allow that. Putting RSS feeds in posts or pages is a typical tactic of sploggers so wordpress does not allow it.

  • It is, as the thesacredpath. Anyone can post a post and just put a feed from another site and say that the article was of his own…

  • Well, actually there is a way of doing this. I already posted it on the spanish forums, but here it goes. I agree this can easily be misused but I also think it is worth knowing about it:

    There is a site called that offers a wide range of RSS-related services. Almost anything that cab be done with an RSS is here. One of the options is to update a blog via a RSS feed. I have tested it and works quite well although it has the serious drawback that sometimes it can take quite a while to update from the RSS feed to the blog.

    Here’s an example on spanish on my test blog. Ignore the first posts (Twitter widget tests)

    I have my Google Reader Shared Item RSS feed directed here. As you can see it posts the comments and the original source, so it is quite practical, although I had to modify the RSS feed to do this.

    Hope this helps.


  • Interesting. I actually asked staff to help with this RSS issue for a liveblogging charity event and not even they could figure out how to do it.

  • Okay, HOW did you get the javascript clock timer on there?????

  • Actually, I’m curious about that, too.

  • Heh, heh. If I have baffled the legendary Raincoaster even for a second, then I must have learned something in all this time :)

    Here’s the answer: No, it not Javascript.

    It is a simple flash widget processed via VodPod. Here’s the code:

    [vodpod id=ExternalVideo.788484&w=425&h=100&fv=]

    Actually I did this with the info on this reply:

    I use it and suggest its use quite frequently to allow Flash widgets in It has been a lifesaver for a few people over here.

    The original question in the spanish forums was for a clock on the sidebar, and we couldn’t get it to work like that so I suggested this as an alternative.

    Glad to contribute with the RSS feed issue. It can be pretty handy sometimes. I’m surprised its use is not more widespread. Now you can share the joy also :)

    Another option to update a blog via RSS might be via posterous and Google Reader. With GReader you can email articles to anyone. In theory you can send posts you like to and if you have the Autopost service enabled for your blog you should be able to update it also.

    Haven’t seen many RSS feeds that notify you via email, but that might be another option, although I think posterous depends on you sending stuff from a specific email address so that might not work. Feedburner might not qualify for this for this same reason.

    Hope this has answered your question gentlemen ;)


    Angel B
    Mexico City
    “Straight from Swine Flu Capital of the World”

  • Actually both rain and me aren’t gentlemen, but thanks for the explanation. :)

  • Wow, that xfruits is nice! Tnx for the information angelbc! As of this moment I’am now using xfruits :)

    (not for automatically posting that is, but for generating multiple RSS feeds into one!)

  • Oops. Sorry, a little bit too used to the spanish forum where gender is a little bit more evident in the language itself :)

    And yes, Xfruits can be a useful little tool, watch out, because sometimes the delay to update is considerable. At least I’ve had that problem in the past.


    Angel B

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