Inability to edit and save posts

  • I am a longtime and enthusiastic user (and promoter) of WordPress. However, after writing a paragraph, the new post-writing tool (with the ‘blocks’) typically tells me I am not permitted to edit my own posts. They won’t save. I’ve had accidental success a couple of times, but typically I just give up. I need advice. Thanks.

  • Oh dear, sorry to hear that! Could you try two things? This tends to be a cookie problem. Cookies help your browser know it’s you editing the page.

    – Check to ensure you’re not blocking our cookies. We have a test for third party cookies here. If you want to block third party cookies, okay, but please be sure to allow ours:


    – Log out of completely, then log back in (resetting your cookie essentially).

    Let us know what you find.

    Also, when you edit, are you leaving the page for long periods, like overnight? If so I’d recommend saving and closing the page out before you go, if possible.

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