In Blogroll, Text displays beside the Image

  • In my Blogroll, if I’ve added an Image to a link, the Image should show up and NOT the text (the description of the link that I provide). It has been working fine for oh-so-long but today it seems broken!

    Currently, on the Blogroll, the Image shows up and the text ALSO shows up beside the Image. AFAIK, ONLY the image should display and in case the image is unable to be loaded, the text should show up as “Alt Text”.

    I’ve tried changing themes and it occurs with most themes (Albeo, Unsleepable, Contempt, K2, Journalist, Tarski to name a few). Only the Blix themes seems to be unaffected by this problem.

    To help you understand it better, here’s a screenshot –

    My Blog address is

  • You can’t add images to blogrolls, only links.

  • Hmm – that is very strange. I thought you could only have the image OR the text, but not both. Perhaps something has changed on the back end. Have you checked the links to see if there is a setting there somewhere?

  • I’m having the same problem, see, it appeared just today but nothing has changed in the settings, don’t know what to do.

  • Report it to staff via your dashboard Support button. It’s probably something they’ve changed.

  • cherylfahling · Member ·

    I noticed the same thing on my blog within the last hour too. It looks horrible!

    I’m hoping I’ll wake up in the morning and find it back to normal.

  • Starting today, I have had the same problem. I, too, hope that this won’t be permanent, since it really looks horrible.

  • Have you reported it to staff?

  • Same problem here, did someone report it to staff?

  • No. YOU have to report it to staff for staff to know you’re having the problem. If you are having the problem, you should report it to staff. Most people are not having this problem. The only way for staff to know that you are having it is for you to report it to them.

  • @rosclark and vivianpaige: One can have both the text AND the image. Image will take priority over the text. This has been working fine since the past three years I’ve been using WordPress and has broken just a few days ago.

    Curiously, the Blix theme has this intact. If I switch to that, the text beside the images goes off and only the images show up.

    I have reported this to support and their reply was that the ‘links’ will link by default to any text that is input into the ‘Name’ field. I should edit the links and remove the name/title and the text wouldn’t show up. But My point is, it was working well with both the title and the image….why tweak it now?

  • I just noticed the same issue on Raincoaster’s blog (Its NOT a blog!) The blogroll images for ‘Blogged’ and ‘Site Meter’ show the Image AND the text beside it :(

  • @ychittaranjan: Impossible to remove inputs from the “Name” Field from my side

  • cherylfahling · Member ·

    I just wrote to Support and am waiting for an answer. My sidebar graphics are still showing text links this morning :(

    You can’t leave the Name field blank when managing links, and this problem shows in All of my graphic link categories – not just “blogroll”.

    I browsed through WordPress blogs early this morning after reading this thread and DID see the same problem on many blogs with graphic sidebar links.

    WordPress seems to be running a bit slow for me this morning. I wonder if “something’s” under way.

  • @Cutkillavince & cherylfree: yeah….I too noticed that the ‘Name’ field can’t be left blank :(

    Maybe if I change the name to something very small…like just an underscore [_] or a dot [.] but i’m waiting for WordPress folks to fix it sooner rather than later.

  • I’ve reported to staff and they solved my problem, today it works normally

  • Oh. I just noticed. Its fixed on my blog too.

    Thanks WordPress. Great and quick job.

  • cherylfahling · Member ·

    Yay! I just went to write a new post and see that it’s fixed :) *Thank You* for the quick resolution WordPress!!

  • Sorry for the issues; the problems with the Links Widget should now be resolved. If you are still experiencing otherwise, please contact support.

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