Impossible to transfer, now domain is even deleted..what’s next?

  • Hello,

    It’s almost 2 months I try to transfer my domain ( to a new hosting provider, but with no luck at all. Now I’ve deleted the domain from my plan, thinking that it would free up the domain and make the transfer happen, but still this won’t work.

    As it’s clearly not a problem of the domain being deleted, BUT now we’re dealing with a deleted domain, can anyone please shed some light on how to make this transfer happen?

    Trying to land a job, and with no portfolio seems harder :)

    Thanks a lot!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Can anyone please advise? We’ve paid a fee to have a service from which includes also some support I’d guess?!

  • Howdy,

    So, domains don’t work like returning a pair of pliers where they get put right back on the shelf. There’s a long process for canceled domains that is full of easy ways for domain squatters to grab your domain before you can. This is true for all registrars and has to do with ICANN rules.

    I will dig into if we can restore this domain or not. I believe that we can, but I need to do a little research.

    As far as transferring, what made it “impossible” where did the process break down? Which registrar were you trying to transfer it to?

    And finally, just in case you weren’t aware, you don’t actually need to transfer a domain to have a website at another host. You can leave the domain here and just point it to your new webhost.

  • Hello,

    Thanks a lot for your answer, and for looking into restoring the website.

    I know it goes through a long process for canceled domains to be available again, but usually when you transfer a domain you are indeed requesting it directly from the previous provider. Plus, the transfer was already not working when the domain was not canceled.

    I’m transferring to, and I want to bring both domain and hosting. I am not sure what made it impossible, but I’d obtain the authorization code from WordPress, put it into Aruba’s system, and after a few hours it’d fail. Aruba many times told me that from their side they are ready but that WordPress is denying the transfer.

    It’s really urgent, in September I have a job interview and my portfolio must be online. It always took me a few hours to transfer a domain onto Aruba (done it 3 times in the past), but with WordPress it is taking forever :(

    Please do help me, it’d mean a lot! Thank you!

  • Hi there,

    It’s not possible to transfer your domain at the moment. This is because it expired before you were able to transfer it.

    Currently, your domain is on-hold. This means that we can recover it at its regular renewal price, and for that, I have already emailed you a payment request. Please reply back if you have submitted the payment so that we can begin the recovery process.

    If you have any other questions, just let me know, and I’ll be happy to help.

  • Hi there,

    Thanks a lot for helping.

    Just to clarify: once I pay these 12$ the transfer should work, right?

    In that case I will let you know as soon as I have done the payment.


  • Also, sorry but the domain actually expires on October 15th, 2023 — it’s 1,5 month away. I should be able to transfer it.

    That was the reason why I was trying to transfer it before the expiration, to avoid paying for something that is not working for me.

    Please can we review the situation? It does not make sense and it’s urgent.

    Thanks for your help!

  • You’re absolutely right, I misread the dates. You don’t need to pay for the renewal.

    I’ve initiated the recovery process and I’ll update you here once your domain is restored.

    Once the domain is restored you’ll be able to transfer it.

  • Hello,

    Oh thanks a lot, so kind of you. I appreciate your help.

    Let me know when it’s recovered, and hopefully this time we’ll make it work, as the transfer was not working also when the domain was active. Maybe together we’ll manage to get this through! And hopefully I land the job :D

    Thank you again!

  • Your domain has been restored, and you can now try transferring it again. You can follow the steps in this guide:

    Make sure to disable the transfer lock as well as the privacy protection before initiating the transfer.

  • Hello,

    Thanks, it is indeed restored. I’ve done what described on the page you shared, which is all what I’ve been doing for more than a month.

    Hopefully this time is going to work out, otherwise what can be done?

    I keep you posted. Thanks again!

  • Hello,

    On what will be my new provider, it now says “Transfering — pending_registry”. Which happened before too.

    Is WordPress needing to accept the request or is it up to me to do something?

  • It has been denied indeed.
    I get an email saying

    If you still want to transfer the domain(s) to another registrar, you must first cancel your Private Registration(s).

    and another one saying

    could not be completed for the following reason(s):Express written objection to the transfer from the Transfer Contact. (e.g. – email, fax, paper document or other processes by which the Transfer Contact has expressly and voluntarily objected through opt-in means).

    Can I please be advised? It is a never ending story

  • I just disabled the domain’s privacy. Please initiate the transfer again and this time it should go through.

  • Hey thank you!
    I’ve got an auth code but my new provider says it’s invalid (never did it before) so I guess I just have to wait until WordPress provides me a different code.
    I keep you posted!

    Thanks a lot for your help so far though :)

  • Hello again,

    Now it’s a couple of days that is stuck on “Transferring domain — pending registry”.

    Before this note would last a few hours, now a few days, which maybe is a good thing :D

    Is everything normal? Can the transfer be confirmed from your side maybe?

    Thank you!

  • Does your new provider still claim that the auth code you provided them is invalid? If it is, can you please ask them for the exact error message and share it here so we can look?

  • Hey fstat,

    Not yet! It usually says “Invalid code” when the transfer fails. But right now is 3 days that it is stuck on “Transferring domain — pending registry”.
    I guess it could either be a good sign that the transfer is happening, or not :D You never know!

    Does it need to be approved by you (WordPress) or is it just time we have to wait for it to be transferred?

    Anyway, when I got told the code was invalid I did ask my provider what was the reason for that, and they said from their side everything was correct, and to ask you (WordPress) about it. They did mention it could have been the domain’s privacy being active.

    I keep you posted, but if it can be approved by you or if I can do anything from here let me know!

    And thanks infinitely for such great help!

  • Hi @suzukierika!

    Does it need to be approved by you (WordPress) or is it just time we have to wait for it to be transferred?

    I’m looking at Step 3 here: you should actually get an email from us asking if you want to confirm or cancel the transfer. If you want to hurry the transfer along, you can confirm it! I hope this helps!

    Domains » Transfer a Domain to Another Registrar
    4 min read
    This guide explains how to transfer a domain registered with to another provider (known as a registrar), such as GoDaddy or 1&1. Before You Get Started Domain transfers can take anywhere from five to seven days to complete. If you would like your domain to start working with your new provider sooner than that, you can first change the name servers to the new host before star
  • Hi @supernovia,

    I have never received the email to confirm the transfer, and I’ve checked again, also my spam, and yet there is no email. Can you please do something about it?

    Thank you!

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