Impossible to connect my website

  • Helllo
    Impossible to connecte my wordpress
    Error : Either your WordPress blog is not responding, or it’s not listing any blogs against the account details you entered. Please check that the username/password you entered are for an account which is associated with at least one blog.

    But my username is ok and password too. What to do? I use gravatar to display my photo on my blog.
    thanks for your help

  • Hi @marketinghaters, can you let us know what you’re trying to connect it with? If you’re using an app, please let us know which one.

    Also, can you send a link to the affected site? We’ll check it out and point you in the right direction for support.

  • Hello
    I have a WordPress site.
    The only way to have my image as the author of the articles is to use gravatar.
    So I went to my gravatar account, “my profile”, “verified services” then chose WordPress.
    I entered the url of my site, the password and the login and I have this message:
    Failed to locate XML-RPC API
    Something went wrong when trying to locate the XML-RPC API on your blog. Please log into your WordPress admin panel, then go to Settings > Writing > Remote Publishing and check the box next to ‘Enable the WordPress, Movable Type, MetaWeblog and Blogger XML-RPC publishing protocols.

    Thanks for your help :)

  • Hello there,

    Are you able to confirm the URL of the website that you need assistance with please?

    The reason why I ask is because I can’t see a site on this account.

    You should be able to set a profile picture in WordPress via Users > click on User > Profile image.

    You wouldn’t necessarily need to use Gravatar for that.

    Many thanks.

  • I have a site on not But on my site, the image of the author section, the only way to have his image is to have a gravatar account… But how to link his gravatar account to his WordPress? I thought you had to check so. WordPress via its gravatar profile. Because apart from that I don’t see how to make my WordPress recover the photo of my gravatar.
    Thank you so much for your help.

  • Hi there,

    What is the URL of your site so we can look it up in our system? Is it [REDACTED] perhaps?

    You are trying to make a Gravatar profile image show up on that site? if so where?

    Is this the Gravatar profile you are trying to connect? [REDACTED]

  • Hello. Yes it is this website.

    In WordPress, when you create an account, you can add a profil picture. The only way to have a picture is to connect the website to gravatar. So, I use it to show me as the author of the posts in this website.

    Yes this is the gravatar profil I want to connect to this website.

    I know I made changes on database. So maybe there was a problem with email. I asked to my webmaster in parallel

  • Hello there,

    Ok, so can you log into the correct Gravatar profile?

    If yes, you should be able to change the profile image as per:,Profile%20%E2%80%94%20or%20just%20click%20here.

  • Yes but it is not the problem :s The image doesn’t show on the website

  • I took a look around your site and I’m not showing where Gravatars are being used. Could you link to a post or page where you’re using a Gravatar but not showing the one you have set in your profile?

    NOTE: Gravatar uses the email address tied to your Gravatar account to serve your image on other websites. If you’re using a different email address than the one you have set on your account, you need to configure a secondary email address under your account that matches the one you’re using on your website.

    You can do this by going to your Gravatar account page and click the “Add email address” link.

  • I just want to add as well, the “verified website” section of Gravatar is entirely optional. That only goes into your Gravatar Profile page: [REDACTED]

    You can choose to hide that if you don’t want it there. And I see you’ve added a link to your site.

    If your gravatar isn’t showing up on your site, can you send a link to the image that is showing up instead?

  • Hello
    I just fixed the problem.
    Thanks for your help :)
    Would it be possible to delete this topic or at least the urls? I don’t see how to do it.

  • Hello there,

    Glad to hear that!

    We wouldn’t be able to delete the thread, but we can close the topic if you wish and mark this as resolved? :)

  • Could you remove the links to my site then and unindex this topic? Thanks

  • Hello there,

    We’ve removed the links at request, although please note that this not something we would do routinely.

    We are unable to unindex the topic.

    We’ll go ahead and close this and this will gradually move down in the forums as more submissions are made.

    I hope this helps.

  • The topic ‘Impossible to connect my website’ is closed to new replies.