Importing translations

  • Why can’t the translators import the translated strings from .po files translations, It is more translated, also, Why can’t the translators work on the translation offline with something like PoEdit and then export them to GlotPress??

  • Hi there, sorry for the delayed response. The feature that you are referring to – importing translated strings (from another project or after translating them offline in a tool like Poedit) is available to users with validator rights. This is to give validators the opportunity to review the strings before they become set to “approved” status. Importing strings with a “waiting” status is something that has been suggested before, here is the GlotPress trac ticket:

    A possible option would be to work directly with the validator of the GlotPress project you are translating for, then see if they agree that you also become a validator, thus gaining the ability to import strings in bulk.

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