Importing file size

  • I am moving my blog to a blog on my own domain. I went to export my old files and import them into my new site, but it’s saying that the import file is too large. How do I remedy this, as I don’t want to lose any posts!

  • Make sure you’ve deleted all your spam, and consider breaking it up into chunks. Several people have found it necessary to do that.

  • Thank you for the suggestions! I have deleted all of my spam, but the file is still too big (almost 3MB). How would I go about splitting it up to move it?

  • Good question. Unfortunately, I’m not sure. I think it’s by date, but I would not think a 3mb file would be too big to import. Try it a few times, because sometimes it goes through okay. Sorry I can’t be more help; I’ve never done an import myself, only seen answers in the forum and that is an answer I cannot seem to find for you.

  • I just tried importing, but it’s saying the filesize is too big for my php.ini – apparently the default upload is 2MB. Now I need to figure out how to change the setting (*boggles*)

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