Imported blogger posts and images show up with border?

  • Hi!
    I have officially begun moving over my blogger blog to my new wordpress site. However, I have noticed that some of the formatting did not transfer well, one of those things being that a lot of my images have a light border around them- usually associated with a caption. Is there anyway to remove this?

    This is a post where this happens:

    I am assuming that this might be something I could change in the style css? Hoping for guidance!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there, The post you referenced has the two images and the captions in a table within the post itself. You can see the code for that if you open the post and switch to the text tab in the editor. In the posts that have this, I might suggest editing the posts and deleting the tables and then put the captions onto the images themselves. This support document will help with that, if you are not familiar with the image settings and editing process.

  • I just looked at and I think it’s totally cute! The Adelle theme really works well for your blog.

    As for the borders on the table seen in the post (thanks for including a link btw!), there is actually some CSS in the theme that affects that. You can turn off borders for all tables all at once by adding the following CSS example to your Appearance > Customize > CSS editor:

    .entry-content table,
    .comment-content table,
    .entry-content tr,
    .entry-content th,
    .entry-content td,
    .entry-content tbody,
    .entry-content thead,
    .entry-content tfoot {
    	border: none;
  • Thank you so much! That fixed it completely and on other posts that the same issue was occurring.

    I am so glad to have the problem fixed because I feel so out of sorts with the WordPress as a new user and am not as sure/confident in updating my CSS yet.

    Thanks again and I am loving the Adelle theme!

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