Import tumblr

  • I’m trying to import my tumblr site but it keeps saying it has a custom domain when I removed it from the tumblr site.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey brogannugent!
    In order for to import your Tumblr you need to temporarily disable your custom domain. Can you double check this by:
    1. Going to your Tumblr dashboard
    2. Clicking on Settings
    3. Making sure that the “Use a Custom Domain” checkbox is unchecked
    You can also find more information about importing from Tumblr here:
    I hope this helps! If you go to your settings and it’s already unchecked, let us know and we’ll see what we can figure out.

  • Hi thanks for replying! Unfortunately it is unchecked, so I don’t know what to do…

  • When you’re on the Import Tumblr page there should be a button that says Clear Account Information. If you’ve already unchecked the Use a Custom Domain checkbox in Tumblr you can click that button to clear the account out and retry it. That will make the importer recheck the custom domain status and see that it’s been cleared.

    Let me know if it still shows as having a custom domain after clearing the account information and adding it back.

  • Hi unfortunately it does still say there’s a custom domain there even though there isn’t.

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