Implementing Ezoic

  • Hello WP support,

    I’m Luca from Ezoic, and I’m writing on behalf of my customer Emilio Alessio,
    owner of the website

    (I can provide his registration email if required)

    Ezoic is a cloud base solution, and to work, requires changing the authoritative name server ~> This means that the site remains hosted and runs exactly as normal, but we provide an ‘Ezoic version’ of the site rendered from our server. is hosted on WordPress, and the publisher logs in to the website from .
    Sometimes, we make the WP access panel for the site ‘static’ to allow the login, but it’s not working for him, and we obviously can’t do the same for the entire ‘’.

    Every time he tries to sign up, from > he receives a white screen:
    and he can’t access the site nor receive the black WP bar on the top side of the screen.

    This is affecting every browser and device.

    He attempted to ask WP support about possible solutions but he’s been suggested reverting NS back to the original ones, that it’s not an option:

    Can you help me find a solution?

    Many thanks,

    Luca Yes
    Correct account: Unknown

  • Forgot to mention that I had some other publishers in the past following the same procedure, without experiencing any issues.
    An example is >

    (again, I can provide extra info if needed)

  • Hello there,

    Many thanks for reaching out.

    Every time he tries to sign up, from > he receives a white screen:

    This isn’t unheard of and we’ve encountered this issue when there’s a browser using a browser extension or adblocker that’s interfering with how WordPress functions.

    Are there any ad blockers at play or something running inside of the browser?

    Many thanks.

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