Imbalance 2 text position and max width

  • Hi all,

    I’m trying to emulate on my blog ( posts’ text position and max width as seen in, for instance,

    Most of the codes I tried position whole blog rather than just posts.

    Any guidance how to do it would be highly appreciated.

    Best regards,


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi Lukas, the post you reference on the other site has inserted a table into the post content with two columns, one with a CSS class of entry content and the right with the class of entry-aside. It is far more work to do it that way as you have to create the table each time you create a post and then put the content into the two columns/cells.

    What I’m seeing on your site right now is very similar to the site you reference, when I look at one of your single post pages, and is far easier to create posts the way you have it.

    To extend your header to the full width on single post pages, like on the post you reference, you can add the following CSS:

    .single #header {
        width: 100%;
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