Imbalance 2 – Reducing White Space in Heading

  • Dear WordPress Community,

    How do I reduce the height of the header space in Imbalance 2?
    i.e There is too much unused space in the heading, too much white, and my images are appearing too low.
    I do not want to change theme.
    I am using and have upgraded to access of CSS style sheet.
    Please see my website:

    Thank you in advance! :-)

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I have the very same question. I am working with a mockup website using the imbalance 2 theme before creating the real thing, and it would be worth upgrading to CSS just to fix the too-much-white-space-in-the-header-area (plus changing font sizes). I need only these minor changes for this gorgeous minimalist theme. So I await the same answer. Thanks.

  • Hi there!

    I’m using Imbalance 2 too, and this simple line code worked for me:

    #header {

    Cecile, the size of your header bottom padding is 50px right now (i reduced mine to 35px, as you can see). Try to set it to 10px, for example.

    Hope this helps! :)

  • For very small Imbalance 2 headers like the one at you might even try reducing the “padding-bottom” value to zero like this:

    #header {

    Beyond that, it’s the logo or “#branding” area at the top left that is taking up space, and you can try this to reduce the spacing even more:

    #branding {
    overflow: hidden;
    min-height: 120px;

    @pincolandia, thanks for your example! It was very helpful. :)

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