Images Show Too Wide(ly) For Mobile On The Hemingway Rewritten Theme?

  • Hello Michiecat,

    Thank you, and I would recommend that this is done for all themes because I see no reason to exclude this ability.

    Thank you for being honest, and I hope that something positive happens in the future. ;)

    Thank you very much Kathrynwp and Michiecat for taking the time to help me, and I look forward to seeing these and other issues that I have reported at the Forums resolved in the future. :)

    -John Jr

  • I just wanted to share an example of the importance of changing that rule for all themes that lack it, today I made a post ( with an image added by a link to a Wikia image sized at 947 x 450 (, and the image went over/through the Sidebar area in the Hemingway Rewritten theme; and so I had to switch to a link of a smaller size of the image to avoid this ugly looking bug/glitch.

    Without that rule any theme without that rule will probably have this problem/bug/glitch if a linked image is wider than the body/main area dimensions of the theme, and so that simple rule is very important to avoid things like that/this from happening.

    Thank you,
    -John Jr

  • Another problem/bug/glitch is that if you put a link in the image caption area/et cetera that is long it sometimes goes through/over the Sidebar as well:

    A Military Training Exercise Near A Semi-Outdoor Concrete Building?


    Thank you,
    -John Jr

  • Another problem/bug/glitch is that if you put a link in the image caption area/et cetera that is long it sometimes goes through/over the Sidebar as well:

    To avoid this problem, I suggest you use a link-shortening service or put the link on some words instead of pasting the long raw link.

  • That is one option but do they plan on adjusting/fixing this, most themes can handle links like that properly?

    Also are there any plans to adjust the second image problem that I reported (and the first one one involving the mobile problem), it is not the mobile problem exactly, but the one where any linked image larger than the maximum main column width will go through/over the sidebar if it is large enough in the Hemingway Rewritten theme?

  • That is one option but do they plan on adjusting/fixing this, most themes can handle links like that properly?

    When you say “most themes” – could you give me one or two examples of specific themes so I can take a look?

    Also are there any plans to adjust the second image problem that I reported

    I’m not able to give you an ETA. Every week, our developers triage issues in our bug/enhancement tracking system and work on issues in order of priority.

    Instead of hotlinking to images outside of your site, you can upload images to your media library for a consistent display in all themes.

  • Twenty Twelve, Twenty Thirteen, Twenty Fourteen, Able, Suits, Zoren, Newsworthy, Bonpress, Highwind, Singl, Responsive, et cetera.

    Okay, I have various reasons why I usually link to images instead and so I doubt that will change unless gets unlimited free storage or something like that, but thank you for responding Kathrynwp.

  • I noticed you asked a question earlier about how to view the mobile theme for testing:

    Also, is there a way to see how your blog looks with the Mobile Theme Option enabled?

    One possible way to do that is to use the built in developer tools in the Safari browser. To access them, go to Safari > Preferences > Advanced and check the box in that panel that says “Show Develop menu in menu bar.” Then go to Develop > User Agent and you should see options to select iPhone or iPad.

    I checked the post using the iPhone user agent option in Safari, and the image was contained properly without getting squished. Here is a screenshot from my test:

    The mobile theme was made specifically to work as a mobile-friendly look for themes that aren’t responsive or that have edge case issues with images like the one you’ve run into here.

    That is one option but do they plan on adjusting/fixing this, most themes can handle links like that properly?

    An change like that one is not something we plan to take the time to review and update for every single theme because it’s preferable and very easy to work around it. The team tries to strike a balance between looking at issues like this and reviewing, making, and launching new themes. We try to consider each request and make a judgment call about whether it will help a majority of users. In this case, you should use link text to avoid the problem.

  • Hello Designsimply,

    Thank you for sharing that tip for the Safari browser, I have never used that browser before, but now I know a way to see the Mobile Theme Option in action; and so thank you.

    The narrowness happens when using the Twenty Twelve theme without the Mobile Theme Option enabled when viewing in a Mobile Size, I am not currently using Twenty Twelve (I am using Hemingway Rewritten at this time), and so that is probably why you did not see the narrowness.

    I have enabled the Mobile Theme Option for the Hemingway Rewritten theme, and I will probably enable it with all the themes that I have problems like this with and hopefully that will help with some of the problems if they are not fixed.

    I disagree with the decision, I think that things like this should not be happening in any theme, but I do thank you for answering my question about the link problem in some themes.

    Thank you,
    -John Jr

  • You also have to enter content in a recommended way to get the result you want. Not every reported issue in every theme for every case will result in a change — and there really is a balance in deciding how much time a team will spend on addressing some things which have good alternate paths that work well compared to moving forward and making new things too.

    Thank you for reporting issues and being a part of our community, and thank you respectfully disagreeing but still understanding that good content practices like using link text instead of long URLs and either using the mobile theme or uploading images to a blog instead of hotlinking are the recommended solution at this point in this case.

    I appreciate your attention to detail. As an aside, would you be interested in being a part of a beta testing group about new themes in the future? I like the idea of someone like you who is passionate about a product becoming more involved in making it better early in the process if that’s something you are interested in doing.

  • Hello Designsimply,

    You are welcome. ;)

    I would definitely be interested in being part of a beta testing group for new themes and even for new features/widgets/et cetera, I have actually mentioned this before here at the forums, because I would like to help improve things and help report/find bugs and give suggestions so that things can changed during the development stage when the developers still are willing to to fix/change them. :)

    I seem to be pretty good at noticing certain things that others often miss (I am a bit detail-oriented at times), and I probably could provide some unique feedback/suggestions that I hope could help improve things for everyone and not just myself because I usually like balance/flexibility and trying to help make things work better for a larger variety of people/situations.

    Thank you very much, just let me know when/if this group gets ready, and I will sign-up. :)

    -John Jr

  • Wonderful! The beta testing group for themes is new. I will add you to the list and email you to ask for feedback from time to time in the future as projects come up. I’m excited you’re joining the group!

  • Hello Designsimply,

    Great! I look forward to participating, thank you. :)

    -John Jr

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